Winter is better together





360° art direction

360° art direction




Marcin Schmidt, Mateusz Piotrowski, Mikołaj Hałabuda


The challenge was to set a new sales record for Drwal, despite the negative trend of Poles limiting eating out. We had to offer consumers something more than delicious food - deliver an engaging experience that fits into pop culture. We based the platform’s insight on the observation that Poles do not like winter, but looking at this observation from a different perspective: “The Polish winter is hard, which is why people are reluctant to go out. But the longer we stay at home, the less often we see each other, we alienate ourselves from others, and this makes winter even more difficult for us.”


Project started with me and Mateusz working on board game design: basing on gameplay mechanics we amped possible illustration settings and settled on city adventure. Then my works shifted to spread board game illustrations as campaign assets: KV design, idea communication and event art direction: I worked with scenography team guiding final look and gameplay for human size board game made in one of restaurant.  

Project started with me and Mateusz working on board game design: basing on gameplay mechanics we amped possible illustration settings and settled on city adventure. Then my works shifted to spread board game illustrations as campaign assets: KV design, idea communication and event art direction: I worked with scenography team guiding final look and gameplay for human size board game made in one of restaurant.  

Project started with me and Mateusz working on board game design: basing on gameplay mechanics we amped possible illustration settings and settled on city adventure. Then my works shifted to spread board game illustrations as campaign assets: KV design, idea communication and event art direction: I worked with scenography team guiding final look and gameplay for human size board game made in one of restaurant.  


To encourage people to spend time together in winter, we have created the largest board game ever around a McDonald's restaurant (an event for almost 30,000 people) and produced the Drwal board game "W pełnym składzie" (13,000 people won it in our loyalty program.) We have also launched dedicated game zones in all 550 McDonald's restaurants.

To encourage people to spend time together in winter, we have created the largest board game ever around a McDonald's restaurant (an event for almost 30,000 people) and produced the Drwal board game "W pełnym składzie" (13,000 people won it in our loyalty program.) We have also launched dedicated game zones in all 550 McDonald's restaurants.

To encourage people to spend time together in winter, we have created the largest board game ever around a McDonald's restaurant (an event for almost 30,000 people) and produced the Drwal board game "W pełnym składzie" (13,000 people won it in our loyalty program.) We have also launched dedicated game zones in all 550 McDonald's restaurants.


To encourage people to spend time together (despite unfavourable weather conditions) and thus bring a better side to winter, we based our campaign on a form of entertainment popular among Poles that cannot be enjoyed alone - BOARD GAMES!